June 11, 2013

The Importance of Correctional Education – 17 Facts About Inmate Literacy [INFOGRAPHIC]

It’s amazing how many things can hinge on one single factor. Like literacy. Without that one skill, a person’s life is radically changed. Check out this infographic to see just how drastic of an impact literacy has on a person’s life:

Inmate Literacy

Download this infographic in pdf form! ›


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Glenda Fleener said

Can the above 'Break the Cycle' be sent to me in a pdf or something? I have a meeting with officials at the maximum security prison here in El Dorado next week. Thank you!!

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David Hinrichs said

I would like to have a copy of this in pdf form. I also am in the process of setting up a meeting to discuss the importance of reading and our inmates.
Thank you,
Dave Hinrichs

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marketing said

There is now a link to the infographic in pdf form below the image.

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Miah said

How do we break through the glass walls and ceilings in the broken traditional education system???? The statistics in regards to the connections between illiteracy and the prison pipeline has been documented for decades and yet nothing changes. What can the average taxpaying citizen do to change the status quo???? Obviously just sharing this information is not enough to initiate needed changes.

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